Previously, this was a blog mostly to harass my poor friends and family with the details of my life. Don't worry-- that will continue. However, I'm also going to use this as a terrible forum for dialogue about green tips and eco-revolutions. Hopefully it will be helpful and entertaining...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The blog in honor of Tyler and my's one year anniversary!

Tyler really likes birds and if it weren't for him, I would probably not be nearly as interested in the wildlife in New Zealand as I am. I used to just be like "Birds... yes, anyways..." but since I have spent time with Tyler and seen him love his little birdie (what's up, sherbert???) and make comments on them, I've realized just how much attitude they have and how they are kind of human but in a much less anthropogenic way...

Anyways, I went over to the pond at Massey and took some pictures of the big birds that are over there:

First, I took a picture of these two ducks. The Mama Duck kept QUACKING like she was really really angry at the world, Riot Grrl style. So I took her picture, which made her stop for about two seconds and then she just cocked her head and kept yelling... 
Then I kept watching her (because I couldn't really ignore her) and then a DIVING DUCK swam up:

Just in case you can't tell, the diving duck is the smaller, black one that has suddenly appeared in the photo. Diving ducks are the best ducks in the entire world. For one, because they apparently annoy the hell out of all the other ducks. Secondly, they quack in the most absurd way. Instead of "quack!" its more like "QUAAAAAAAA" and then they just paddle off. I tried to get a video with the sound they make, but I couldn't do it... Anyways, a very similar (or the same) type of duck lives around the Florida Keys. I know this because I was there once and saw this weird little duck DIVE under the water and then resurface a few yards away, a minute later. It is very unnerving if you don't know it's going to happen. I did get a video of how silly they look when they swim, and if you would like to see it just go here (and if that link doesn't work, be a doll and let me know)

Finally, there are HUGE geese and swans that just wander about campus. Sometimes they attempt to attack people, other times they look serene and majestic. After taking a ton of photos of the swans from faraway, one of them actually swam right underneath the bridge I was on. I took a few pictures, and then I think he realized I didn't have any food for him (which I apologized for)... So the best picture I got was the indignant look on his face:

Still absolutely beautiful... So that's all, lots of bird pictures and videos! Hope y'all enjoyed 'em...

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